Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept. 15 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

Which Fertility Treatments Are From Reproductive Science?
By Justin DiMateo

Recommended Reading
The Pregnancy Secrets
Explore The Bible Of Pregnancy, Getting Pregnant,
Being Pregnant And Deliver A Healthy, Happy Child.

Reproductive science makes possible many fertility treatments that help couples conceive. If you're suffering from infertility or are having trouble conceiving, exploring the possibilities made possible by reproductive science and the various fertility treatments and procedures available can be extremely worthwhile. As a general rule, infertility is defined as an inability to get pregnant after one year of unprotected sex. For women over 35, this may be changed to six months. If this situation applies to you, determining the cause of the problem is recommended.
Once the diagnosis has been made, couples may begin exploring the various fertility treatments available. Thanks to reproductive science, doctors are able to insert sperm directly into the uterus, where they will hopefully swim into the fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg. This is a procedure called intrauterine insemination (IUI) and is a relatively inexpensive option. Fertility drugs may be recommended to stimulate ovulation before performing the procedure, while the woman's cycle will be monitored in other cases.
If intrauterine insemination is unsuccessful, couples may turn to in vitro fertilization (IVF). This is another procedure made possible through studies and research in reproductive science. In this procedure, fertility drugs are also used to produce more eggs, which are extracted. They are then combined with sperm in a dish in a laboratory to create embryos. A few embryos are then transferred to the uterus, where they may implant in the uterine wall and develop. Embryo grading procedures may be used to determine which embryos may have the best chance of developing to help couples improve their odds. However, only a few embryos are transferred to reduce the chance of multiple births.
Male infertility factor may affect many men and may even reduce the success rate of IVF. To combat this, intracytoplasmic sperm injection may be used. This is a procedure in which sperm is directly injected into a mature egg to create an embryo.
Other advancements in the field of reproductive science have also made other fertility treatments and procedures possible. Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) is similar to IVF in that eggs are extracted and fertilized with sperm to create embryos in a laboratory, but instead of being placed in the uterus, they are transferred to the fallopian tubes. Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) is similar to ZIFT in that embryos are placed in the fallopian tubes, but in GIFT, fertilization actually occurs in the fallopian tubes instead of in a lab.
Click on the following to find out more on Reproductive Science and the related procedures in becoming pregnant, as well as question regarding Successful IVF Treatments along with others effective methods.

Recommended Reading
The Pregnancy Secrets
Explore The Bible Of Pregnancy, Getting Pregnant,
Being Pregnant And Deliver A Healthy, Happy Child.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Justin_DiMateo

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sept. 11 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

IUI Symptoms - Am I Pregnant?
By Diana Farrell Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
The Pregnancy Secrets
Explore The Bible Of Pregnancy, Getting Pregnant,
Being Pregnant And Deliver A Healthy, Happy Child.

Deciding to undergo IUI is a big step in your journey to fertility, and you'll probably start wondering the day of insemination whether or not you'll get pregnant. As with most fertility-related things, though, it's important to keep in mind that these things do take time. Even if the egg was successfully fertilized, it still has to travel to your womb and implant there, which could take almost a week. Learning about IUI symptoms of pregnancy is important, but it's also important to be as un-obsessive as possible so that you don't drive yourself crazy with stress. But, if you really must know, here are some of the early pregnancy symptoms you might be on the lookout for.

Earliest Conception Signs after IUI

Symptoms of pregnancy can vary widely from one woman to the next. Some women get terrible morning sickness within a week of conception, and there are actually some women who still have light spotting throughout their pregnancies who may not find out they are pregnant until they're several months along. In general, though, these are some of the most common symptoms of a very early pregnancy:

*Missed Period: This is the most obvious symptom, although you can also miss a period because of rapid weight loss or gain and because of other causes, such as extreme stress. This isn't the only important symptom, but it's the one that we normally look at first.

*Light Spotting: Sometimes when the egg actually implants into your uterus, you might experience light bleeding and cramping. Some women mistake this for their periods, but it can actually be a sign of pregnancy. If you've recently undergone IUI and these symptoms keep happening at odd intervals, you might want to see a doctor.

*Breast Tenderness: Many early pregnancy symptoms, like this one, can also come across as PMS symptoms for some women. However, breast tenderness can be an early pregnancy sign.

*Fatigue: Most women don't feel overly tired for an entire pregnancy, but it's not unusual to feel exhausted within the first few weeks of conception. If you're really dragging after IUI, this could be a symptom of pregnancy.

*Backaches and Headaches: For many women, the hormonal and physical changes caused by early pregnancy can cause lower backaches and headaches.

*Nausea/Morning Sickness: Morning sickness is really a misnomer, since some women are sick all the time and others actually get sicker in the evenings. However, if you're feeling sick some of the time, it might be a pregnancy symptom.

It's important to keep in mind that the symptoms for an IUI pregnancy are about the same as the symptoms for a natural pregnancy and that all of these symptoms could be tied to other things. While you should definitely note changes in your body and mind during this waiting period, you shouldn't obsess over these changes. Some of them, such as headaches, nausea, and tiredness, can even be induced by stress, so you don't want to bring them upon yourself!

When to Take the Pregnancy Test after IUI

Choosing when to take a pregnancy test is vital when you've undergone IUI. Whether you're showing signs of early pregnancy or not, it's important that you take the test about two weeks after you were inseminated. You need to wait this long because, like we said, it can take the fertilized egg almost a week to implant. After that, the body starts producing new hormones, which is what a pregnancy test looks at. While a professional lab test would be able to confirm an implantation within a couple of days of pregnancy, a home test needs for you to be pregnant for a few days before it will work.

Even this fourteen day period can vary, though. Take the test on the morning of day fourteen, but don't lose it if the test is negative. Wait two days, and then test one more time. If this test is also negative, you should wait a few more days to see if you get your period. If you don't, then schedule an appointment with your doctor to find out what the issue might be.

Diana Farrell is the author of the trademarked Full Embrace series of books on overcoming infertility that have helped many couples get pregnant. If you would like to know more about IUI symptoms and lots more information about getting pregnant, visit http://www.PregnancySuccessProgram.com.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diana_Farrell

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sept. 09 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

Pregnancy - Embryo Transfer
By Shirley M. Duran

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy. Platinum Quality Author

Embryo transfer usually takes place two days after egg collection. This results in the embryos arriving in the womb several days earlier than they would after natural conception. It is thought that this may be one cause of the low success rate of IVF, and is the reason for the development of some of the other treatment major programmes.
Under British law, a maximum of three embryos can be replaced into the woman's womb. This limit was set for reasons of safety, to reduce the risk of very high-order multiple births. Although the birth of quads or quintuplets is frequently attributed to fertility treatment, in the UK it is not nowadays the result of IVF. It was previously argued that the transfer into the woman of a larger number of embryos increased the prospects of one of them implanting, on the basis that they supported each other in the implantation process. However, this theory has largely been discounted and the trend is towards further reducing the number of embryos transferred into a woman.
Some specialists now argue that with the advances in medical science and improving success rates in IVF, women should give careful thought to having more than two embryos replaced, to avoid the risks involved in having triplets. Brian lieberman, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Regional IVF Unit at St no Mary's Hospital in Manchester, routinely replaces only two embryos, and at some other centres three embyros are replaced only if the woman's chances of pregnancy are low.
Shirley M. Duran is a mother of two and an author of a variety of related lifestyle issues and topics with which has helped hundreds of mothers become pregnant. If you have any pregnancy questions for which you need answers, it is recommended to visit: http://mypregnancyquestions.info/
Copyright © Shirley M. Duran, All Rights Reserved. If you are interested in using this article make all the urls (links) active. Thank you!

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy. Platinum Quality Author
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shirley_M._Duran

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sept. 07 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

IUI Pregnancy Success Tips
By Diana Farrell Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy. Platinum Quality Author

Getting pregnant through IUI might seem like a very difficult task, but if things work out properly, it's almost like getting pregnant naturally. If you're shooting for an IUI pregnancy within the next few months, there are a few things that you can do to prepare your body to undergo the treatment better and to increase your chances of success with IUI. These five tips are pretty easy and natural, so get started on them as soon as you can.

1. Acupuncture Therapy to Help You Conceive with IUI
This might not be the first option your mind jumps to when you think of enhancing your IUI success, but it has been shown to help in many studies and anecdotal cases. Basically, this ancient Chinese medicine regulates the hormones in a way that scientists haven't quite pinned down yet. Women who undergo acupuncture end up with less stress and even with more and higher quality eggs, which makes IUI more likely to be successful.

2. Visualization Techniques of IUI Conception
Many infertility clinics are actually using this type of therapy for their clients now. Basically, when you are going through IUI, you simply visualize what is going to happen with the sperm and the egg in your body. As with acupuncture, scientists haven't pinned down the way that visualization works, but there is evidence to show that the mind has great power over the body.

3. Watch Your Food and Drink for Pregnancy Success
One of the main ways to prepare your body for conception is to eat a healthy diet. This holds true no matter whether you're trying to conceive naturally, through IUI, or through any other ART techniques. The documentation of the link between diet and fertility just keeps building up. You don't have to obsess over every single thing you put in your mouth, but here are a few tips that will keep your body in good shape before IUI:

* Focus on getting enough whole foods, including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
* Get one or two servings a day of full-fat dairy products through milk, yogurt, or cheese, since this has been linked to increased fertility.
* Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and toxin-free.
* Get a lot of protein from vegetable sources and nuts, but don't be afraid to work lean proteins from meat into your diet, either.
* Take a daily multivitamin that contains folic acid.
* Avoid alcohol, which can reduce overall fertility and increase your risk of miscarriage.

4. De-stress However You Can to Optimize Fertility
There is a lot of evidence that extreme stress - like the kind that comes from trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant - can reduce your chances of getting pregnant and increase your chances of miscarriage. Besides this, the stress that comes with IUI can make your life a nightmare. Instead of simply living with it, find ways to reduce stress before, during, and after IUI. Taking long walks, doing yoga regularly, and joining a support group are all good options.

5. Take an Expectorant to Help You Get Pregnant with IUI
Cough syrup for IUI? That's right. This is a good step to take, especially if you're taking Clomid during an IUI cycle. Clomid - and some natural conditions - can cause cervical mucus to become thick and too hostile to allow sperm to survive. Cough syrup like Robitussin doesn't just thin out mucus in the lungs, but it can also thin out cervical mucus.

The dosage that you should take varies, but you will want to take a little bit of cough syrup with the active ingredient guaifenesin for a couple of days before your insemination is going to occur. Many women with hostile cervical mucus have had excellent luck with this simple fertility-enhancing step.

Diana Farrell is the author of the trademarked Full Embrace series of books on overcoming infertility that have helped many couples get pregnant. If you would like to know more about IUI pregnancy success tips and lots more information about conceiving, visit http://www.PregnancySuccessProgram.com.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diana_Farrell

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sept. 05 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

IVF Vs Other Fertility Treatments
By Justin DiMateo

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy. Platinum Quality Author

In vitro fertilization is perhaps the most well-known of all of the available fertility treatments. Because of this, many incorrectly consider it a surefire way to get pregnant when they are unable to do so naturally. They're quickly brought to reality upon speaking with a fertility doctor, however, as they realize that the chance of success with "in vitro fertilization" depends on several factors and dips below 50% in many situations.

For instance, women who are above the age of 35 are considered to have a lower chance of success than women who are younger than 35, although other factors will also come into play in determining the woman's chances. There are certain things you can do to help improve your chances of success such as choosing embryo selection in which the embryos considered to have the best chance of developing are implanted in the uterus. If severe male infertility exists, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, which involves the direct injection of a sperm into a mature egg, may help improve a couple's chances. Massage and other non-traditional methods may also be helpful in improving chances.

So how does IVF compare to other fertility procedures? Well, whereas IVF involves the combination of sperm and eggs in a dish to achieve fertilization, intrauterine insemination involves the transfer of sperm to the uterus, where the sperm may swim into the fallopian tubes for fertilization. The procedure is also much cheaper than IVF, making it a popular first choice for many couples. The success rate, however, is often lower than IVF, often hovering around 10% and rising to about 15% or 20% if fertility drugs are used.

As far as gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) is concerned, the eggs are placed in a catheter with the sperm. The eggs and sperm are then moved to the fallopian tubes through a procedure called laparoscopy will hopefully occur. The success rate for GIFT is often around 45% for women under 35 years old and is lower for women above 35.

Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) is different from GIFT in that the fertilization is performed in the lab, like in IVF, instead of in the fallopian tubes, like in GIFT. Similarly to GIFT, however, a laparoscopic transfer to the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus, which is the case in IVF. In a way, ZIFT is caught in the middle of IVF and GIFT in terms of how the procedure is performed. The success rate is similar to that of GIFT procedures.

Visit a IVF Clinic in your area, including Alabama, on fertility procedures and questions on giving birth, becoming a parent, and Infertility Treatment in Mobile, AL also with offices in Pensacola and Tallahassee, FL.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Justin_DiMateo

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sept. 03 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT) And Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)
By Sandra B Wilson

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Both Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer and Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer are ART procedures, which involve removing the woman's eggs, mixing them with the male's sperm, and implanting them in the woman's Fallopian tubes. One significant difference between the two procedures is that with the first fertilization takes place outside the body, and with the latter, fertilization takes place inside the body. Typically, in both cases, the woman takes a fertility drug to stimulate egg production in her ovaries.
Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT) is considered the most invasive of all ART fertility treatments, with less than 1% of people using ART, choosing this treatment.
During Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer, and once the eggs are mature, the woman is given an anesthetic by her doctor, and her eggs are removed from her ovaries. The doctor removes the eggs by inserting a needle through the vaginal wall, using an ultrasound to find the eggs. The removed eggs are fertilized with the male's sperm in a laboratory, in vitro. About a day later, each of your fertilized eggs will be a ball of cells - a developing embryo called a zygote.
The woman then undergoes minor surgery to have up to four zygotes inserted into her fallopian tubes. The doctor makes a small incision in her abdomen, using a fiber-thin tube called a laparoscope. Any extra zygotes may be frozen in case this cycle of Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer doesn't succeed.
If the treatment works, a zygote will travel through the fallopian tube and implant itself in the uterus, where it grows into a baby. In about 35% of ZIFT pregnancies, women give birth to multiples.
Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) is a semi-invasive procedure, which requires a laproscopy. It is used in cases where the fertility problem relates to sperm dysfunction, and where the case of infertility is unknown. With Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer, the woman's eggs are removed from her ovaries, and placed in one of the Fallopian tubes, along with the man's sperm.
The doctor monitors the growth of the ovarian follicles. When the woman's eggs are mature, she is injected with Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The eggs are then harvested about 36 hours later, and mixed with the male's sperm. Then they are placed back into the woman's Fallopian tubes using a laparoscope. At this stage, fertilization has not yet taken place, which means it will occur inside the body. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete a cycle of GIFT. A woman must have at least one normal fallopian tube for this procedure to be appropriate. It is estimated that 25-30% of GIFT cycles result in pregnancy, with a significant number of them being multiple pregnancies.
Many infertility specialists consider this procedure as an outdated one. This is because pregnancy rates with IVF tend to be equal or better and a laparoscopy is not required. Some patients, however, prefer Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer over IVF, because it allows the fertilization to take place inside the body, which is not the case with IVF.
You can find helpful information about zygote intrafallopian transfer and everything you need to know about gamete intrafallopian transfer at Aha! Baby.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sandra_B_Wilson

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

SEpt. 01 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

IUI Pregnancy Rates
By Diana Farrell

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

If you're thinking about getting IUI on your path to conception, you might be wondering what the IUI pregnancy rates are like. The truth is that these rates can be difficult to pin down because they depend on so many different factors; however, with advances in technology, these rates are higher than they used to be, and many couples have a decent chance of getting pregnant through IUI.
The Overall Rates of Success of IUI
Overall, most studies show that IUI is anywhere from 5% to 30% successful for couples. Couples who try natural IUI, where there is only one egg to fertilize, are on the low end of that scale, as are couples with a low sperm count problem. Couples who use fertility medications like Clomid fall somewhere in the middle to high end of the range, and couples who use injected medications like those used for IVF will normally fall on the high end of that range.
That said, there are also other factors that can go into determining a couple's potential success with IUI. For one thing, the younger the mother is, the more successful the procedure is likely to be, although it has worked with couples in which the female partner is over the age of thirty-five. Also, couples who undergo therapy to improve sperm count and motility often end up having success with a later round of IUI.
Why Multiple Rounds Increase the Odds of Getting Pregnant with IUI
One of the interesting things about IUI is that couples who undergo multiple rounds of the treatment are more likely to get pregnant with each round. One of the main reasons for this is that the doctor and the couple can work together to determine the best time to inseminate. With IUI, as with many other fertility procedures, timing is key. In order to have an egg to fertilize, the sperm really need to be injected right before ovulation. After a few months of working with the same woman, a doctor can tweak medications and dates to optimize the odds of a pregnancy.
Also, some doctors will recommend doing two back-to-back inseminations. You will basically be inseminated on one day and then go in again on the second day. Some studies have shown that this approach yields a higher success rate than a single insemination procedure. However, if you've carefully timed the first insemination, it should be enough to get your egg fertilized.
In general, IUI is most successful for couples who are generally healthy and whose fertility problems involve things like low sperm count and PCOS. However, there are lots of other couples who have had unexpected success with IUI. If you're wondering whether or not IUI would work for you, the best thing to do is to talk to your doctor about your specific fertility problems and needs. You may also want to simply give IUI a shot before moving on to more drastic invasive and expensive procedures, such as IVF, GIFT, or ZIFT.
Diana Farrell is the author of the trademarked Full Embrace series of books on overcoming infertility that have helped many couples get pregnant. If you would like to know more about IUI pregnancy rates and lots more information about conceiving, visit http://www.PregnancySuccessProgram.com.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diana_Farrell

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 30 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

Artificial Insemination Success Rate - Should You Be Concerned?
By Olivia Hall Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Becoming a parent is one of the most important milestones in many people's lives. Most young couples are expected to produce a baby within the first few years they are married; however, when they experience problems, they may look for alternative methods. There are many methods to conceive a baby, and there are factors to consider, such as the artificial insemination success rate.

First of all, both partners should undergo a physical examination and blood tests to determine if they are both healthy overall. If there are issues that prevent the couple from conceiving through sexual intercourse, they may want to try methods like artificial insemination. This process does not make a couple failures; it simply aids them and increases their chances of conceiving a baby. There are so many factors at work when you try to conceive naturally, including sperm count, motility of sperm, ovulation and vaginal mucous and acidity. In order to be a good candidate for insemination, a woman must have an examination to determine, for example, that her fallopian tubes are not blocked.

A woman may begin taking fertility medications to produce more eggs. The medical professional may use ultrasound to determine when the woman is ovulating so that the egg can be fertilized at the correct time. Once ovulation is determined and sperm is injected into the cervix, it is hoped that fertilization will take place soon after. Sometimes the sperm is "washed" prior to injection to ensure that it is in a more concentrated form, thereby increasing the chance of fertilization.

The resulting embryo will then be implant in the uterus and a pregnancy is the result. The one factor that many couples can encounter while undergoing this process is the chance of multiple births as a result of the fertility medications and multiple eggs being produced. Most couples are hoping for a single birth, but they may end up having twins, triplets or more. This is where the problems can begin for some couples.

You will have to decide in advance what you will do if the artificial insemination success rate in your case results in multiple babies implanting. It is believed that using this method can be 30% successful per cycle. Much of the factors are determined by the age of a woman, as her fertility drops substantially after age 35. Artificial insemination is one of the best ways to increase the chances of a couple to become parents.

There are other ways to help fertility issues and one of these is eating foods that help fertility. Often it is what you consume as well as how much of it you consume that can have the most dramatic affect.

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Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Olivia_Hall

Friday, August 27, 2010

August 28 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

A Guide to IUI Treatment
By Lisa Mills

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

IUI treatment can help couples to conceive where the man has a low sperm count. This treatment is also used when couples who, for whatever reason, are unable to have intercourse.
Intra-uterine insemination is the process of preparing and delivering sperm directly through the cervix into the uterus. This treatment can be performed with or without the use of fertility drugs, but it must be established before the treatment is carried out that the female patient has at least one open fallopian tube. Both partners will also be required to have tests to ensure there are no infectious diseases present.
Drugs are used to stimulate ovulation, however, they are not recommended if it's just the male partner who has a fertility problem as there's then a risk of multiple pregnancy. All these issues must be discussed in detail with a consultant before treatment is given, as indeed should any other questions which may be of concern to the patient and her partner.
In view of the fact that at least two hours is required to prepare the sperm for insertion into the uterus, the male partner is usually asked to produce his sperm several hours prior to the IUI procedure.
An unstimulated cycle is timed to take place when natural ovulation occurs, and in this respect your doctor may track your cycle by using blood and urine tests. In the case of a stimulated cycle you'll be offered drugs to be taken at the beginning of your menstrual cycle to stimulate the ovaries. Once ovulation has occurred your partner then produces a sperm sample which is washed to extract the best quality sperm. This is then inserted into your cervix using a catheter tube. A pregnancy test can be taken two weeks after the procedure.
The whole procedure usually takes between 5-10 minutes after which the patient rests for a short while before resuming normal activities. There may be a slight cramping sensation but this passes fairly quickly. There is a slight risk of infection but this is very rare.
It's nearly always assumed that infertility is the woman's problem, but it's important that both the male and the female are examined to ascertain the reasons behind the problems being experienced.
There can be several reasons for infertility, i.e., the quality of the sperm or embryo, the ability of the sperm to reach the woman's uterus, the fertilised egg's ability to implant itself in the uterus, the sperm's ability to fertilize the egg when they meet, and blocked fallopian tubes to name a few. Whatever the cause, the inability to conceive can be devastating.
IUI can be the answer for some couples although much depends upon the age of the patient, and the reason for their infertility in the first place. As with all treatments it's essential to discuss in detail all your hopes and fears with your doctor who will be able to go over all the necessary procedures to be taken prior to the IUI being administered and also what, if any, problems could arise post treatment.
Lisa Mills owns two commercially driven websites, one selling baby gift set and the other promoting Melissa Doug toys.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Mills

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 26 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

The Truth About IVF Implantation
By Zoul-Kifl Pio

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

In-vitro fertilization also called IVF includes the fertilization of a human egg cell in a lab and implantation of the embryo or the fertilized egg in the uterus or womb of the woman for pregnancy and child birth. Every now and then, an embryo that results from an in-vitro fertilization is frozen for it to be used later for IVF implantation.
In-vitro fertilization is that procedure followed by women who suffer from infertility issues. This procedure helps them to conceive a child and have a normal term of pregnancy. The procedure can also be used to prevent the transmission of hereditary diseases. Fertilization doesn't happen in a test tube but in a small container that is usually called a perti dish.
Test tube baby is the more common name for the baby that resulted from an in-vitro fertilization. There are procedures that you have to follow to produce a test tube baby. First, the eggs have to be collected from the woman. But before they are to be gathered, the woman has to take special medicines to stimulate her ovulation. When the eggs are ripe, the surgeon then performs an operation to remove all of them.
The next phase in IVF implantation includes that of fertilizing the egg and processing its development in the laboratory. After the egg's removal, it is brought to the lab where it's placed for development; it is soaked in the special fluid for around 6 hours. Then the partner or a sperm donor supplies the sperm specimen. This would take place at least 4 hours after the eggs have been collected. The sperm must be especially treated with washing and incubation. They are then placed together with the eggs and left for about eighteen hours. Following this procedure, the eggs are reexamined to see if fertilization has occurred. They are also returned for culture for the next 24 hours.
Following the fertilization method, the grown fertilized egg will then be transferred into the woman's uterus. For minimizing the risk of multiple pregnancies, only a few of the eggs are returned to the woman.
For more great information on IVF implantation, visit http://naturalinfertilitycure.com.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zoul-Kifl_Pio

Monday, August 23, 2010

August 24 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

7 Surprisingly Inexpensive Foreign Fertility Clinics For IVF and Egg Donation
By Abbie D Waters

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

One of the secrets of finding inexpensive IVF and egg donation is to travel abroad to get infertility treatments. Foreign fertility clinics and physicians often provide high-quality medical care with top-notch pregnancy success rates that rival or exceed US fertility clinics. While a US fertility clinic may charge upwards of $10,000 for an IVF cycle, a fertility clinic in Italy may only $3,000. If price is a concern for you, it's worth your time to find an infertility clinic abroad.
1. Centre for Assisted Fertilisation, Naples and Rome, Italy Services offered: ovulation cycle monitoring, semen evaluation, hormone therapy, ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination (artificial insemination), IVF, GIFT and ZIFT, sperm retrieval, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), cryopreservation, assisted hatching
2. Clinica EUGIN, Barcelona Spain Services offered: IVF, IVF with donor eggs, IVF with donor eggs and donor sperm, ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination (artificial insemination), IVF, GIFT and ZIFT, sperm retrieval, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
3. Reprofit International, Zlin, Czech Republic Services offered: IVF, oocyte donation, IVF with donor eggs, ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination (artificial insemination), IVF, GIFT and ZIFT, sperm retrieval, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
4. The Fertility Center at Bumrungrad Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand Services offered: Hormone therapy, ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination (artificial insemination), IVF, GIFT and ZIFT, sperm retrieval, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
5. Crete Fertility Center, Crete, Greece Services offered: cryopreservation, semen analysis, ovulation induction, intruterine insemination (IUI), IVF, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), sex selection, egg donation, gestational surrogacy
6.Make Well Fertility Clinic, Mumbai, India Services offered: cryopreservation, semen analysis, ovulation induction, intruterine insemination (IUI), IVF, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
7. Barbados Fertility Center Services offered: ovulation induction, intra-uterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilisation (IVF), intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), assisted hatching, blastocyst transfer, testicular/epididymal sperm aspiration, pre-implantation genetic screening (PGD), donor egg program, donor sperm program, embryo freezing
How to Choose a Foreign Fertility Clinic
To choose a foreign fertility clinic, you'll need to do your homework. Keep a list of each clinic along with their success rates for medical procedures and the qualifications of their doctors and lab directors. Hospitals and clinics which are JCI-accredited are also a safe bet since their facilities have met stringent international guidelines for health care.
About the Author
Abbie Waters blogs at Fertility Nation, a top source for news, advice, and conversation about infertility and building families with assisted reproduction technologies.
Would you like to find the perfect egg donor, sperm donor, or surrogate mother? Place a free classified ad at Fertility Nation Classifieds.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abbie_D_Waters

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 22 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

By Eric A. Daiter MD

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Zygote intrafallopian transfer, or ZIFT, is an infertility treatment method whereby an egg is fertilized outside of the body and then transferred into the fallopian tubes of a woman. ZIFT is considered an advanced infertility treatment. Normally, you will try other forms of treatment before you consider a ZIFT treatment.

Many doctors recommend ZIFT to patients who have problems ovulating. The fallopian tubes must be open for this method to be utilized. ZIFT may also be considered if the male partner has a low sperm count. If the sperm count is extremely low, you may have better luck with ICSI, Intracytoplasmic sperm injection. In ICSI, the sperm is injected directly into the egg. ICSI is sometimes used in conjunction with ZIFT.

Another similar treatment is called GIFT. GIFT refers to gamete intrafallopian transfer. In this method, the egg is not fertilized outside of the body. The sperm is injected into the fallopian tube where it will hopefully fertilize an egg. GIFT is usually used for women who have problems ovulating. Therefore, you will be given fertility drugs and you will be closely monitored by your infertility specialist to determine when your eggs or mature. Then the eggs will be collected with a small needle, mixed with your partner's sperm and then immediately injected into your fallopian tubes. Extra eggs can be fertilized in vitro and these embryos can be frozen for future attempts.

Fertility drugs are also used in the ZIFT procedure. Eggs are retrieved in the same manner as the GIFT treatment. They are mixed with sperm outside of the body and monitored for fertilization. Fertilized eggs are then transplanted into the fallopian tubes where they will hopefully move to the uterus and implant at the proper stage of development.

In Vitro Fertilization, IVF, is used more often than GIFT or ZIFT. In an IVF treatment, your eggs will be retrieved after a round of fertility drugs. Then, your eggs will be combined with your partner's sperm in the laboratory. This is where your eggs will be monitored for about three to five days. At the proper stage, the fertilized eggs will be injected into your uterus for implantation. IVF accounts for almost all of all assisted pregnancies, partly because fallopian tubes do not have to be open for this procedure.

Talk to your infertility specialist about what procedures will best fit your situation and your goals. You may end up trying a few different procedures before you find which one is right for you. Make sure that you ask plenty of questions so that you feel comfortable about each step that you take towards building your family.

This information is provided by Dr. Eric Daiter MD.

About the Author: Dr. Eric Daiter MD, the medical director of The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC, a leading NEW JERSEY INFERTILITY CENTER. Dr. Eric Daiter MD offers a complete range of MALE INFERTILITY AND FEMALE INFERTILITY TREATMENT.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_A._Daiter_MD

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 20 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

Endometriosis and IVF - Will it Work For You?
By Olivia Hall Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

If you are suffering with endometriosis and IVF is something you are currently pursuing or considering, you may wonder what effect endometriosis will have on your IVF procedures. You are likely aware that you suffer from endometriosis, and have probably been diagnosed by your medical professional or had a procedure called laparoscopy.

Endometriosis causes a great deal of discomfort with respect to monthly menstrual cycles and in some cases, it can make intercourse painful or even unbearable. In addition, a woman with this condition is not infertile; it is just much more difficult for her to conceive.

There are treatments that can be administered for mild forms of this condition, including the surgical removal of lesions, or taking certain drug therapies. These treatments do not improve the chances of a woman becoming pregnant, although they may relieve the pain so that intercourse is at least possible.

If you are suffering with this painful condition, you may wonder about endometriosis and IVF and if you can receive IVF in order to successfully conceive. Endometriosis does not prevent a woman from carrying a baby, and treatment such as "suppression" with medications including Lupron, Synarel and Zoladex, for around six months prior to trying to conceive is usually recommended by your medical professional.

IVF is one of the best options for a pregnancy for a woman who suffers from this debilitating disease. The pain that is associated with the condition makes intercourse difficult, and the amount of intercourse that is generally required to conceive may be unbearable for a woman who suffers with endometriosis.

Having this condition does not always mean that a woman will suffer from the severe symptoms such as pelvic pain and severe lower abdominal pain. Often, women have no symptoms at all. It is not proven, but is believed by some medical professionals that delayed pregnancy may be a cause of endometriosis. Many women are waiting until their late thirties to try to have a baby, and this is the cause of many infertility issues.

Treatments for endometriosis and IVF options should be on a case by case basis. A woman will need a full physical examination to determine exactly what the severity of her condition is. It may even be that your medical professional needs to do a laparoscopy procedure. Having this procedure done may improve a woman's chances of becoming pregnant as opposed to receiving no treatment at all.

The main drawback to IVF is that the treatment can be expensive; and there are certain fertility treatment side effects.

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Infertility Treatments For Women

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Olivia_Hall

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 17 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

IUI Pregnancy Rates
By Diana Farrell

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

If you're thinking about getting IUI on your path to conception, you might be wondering what the IUI pregnancy rates are like. The truth is that these rates can be difficult to pin down because they depend on so many different factors; however, with advances in technology, these rates are higher than they used to be, and many couples have a decent chance of getting pregnant through IUI.
The Overall Rates of Success of IUI
Overall, most studies show that IUI is anywhere from 5% to 30% successful for couples. Couples who try natural IUI, where there is only one egg to fertilize, are on the low end of that scale, as are couples with a low sperm count problem. Couples who use fertility medications like Clomid fall somewhere in the middle to high end of the range, and couples who use injected medications like those used for IVF will normally fall on the high end of that range.
That said, there are also other factors that can go into determining a couple's potential success with IUI. For one thing, the younger the mother is, the more successful the procedure is likely to be, although it has worked with couples in which the female partner is over the age of thirty-five. Also, couples who undergo therapy to improve sperm count and motility often end up having success with a later round of IUI.
Why Multiple Rounds Increase the Odds of Getting Pregnant with IUI
One of the interesting things about IUI is that couples who undergo multiple rounds of the treatment are more likely to get pregnant with each round. One of the main reasons for this is that the doctor and the couple can work together to determine the best time to inseminate. With IUI, as with many other fertility procedures, timing is key. In order to have an egg to fertilize, the sperm really need to be injected right before ovulation. After a few months of working with the same woman, a doctor can tweak medications and dates to optimize the odds of a pregnancy.
Also, some doctors will recommend doing two back-to-back inseminations. You will basically be inseminated on one day and then go in again on the second day. Some studies have shown that this approach yields a higher success rate than a single insemination procedure. However, if you've carefully timed the first insemination, it should be enough to get your egg fertilized.
In general, IUI is most successful for couples who are generally healthy and whose fertility problems involve things like low sperm count and PCOS. However, there are lots of other couples who have had unexpected success with IUI. If you're wondering whether or not IUI would work for you, the best thing to do is to talk to your doctor about your specific fertility problems and needs. You may also want to simply give IUI a shot before moving on to more drastic invasive and expensive procedures, such as IVF, GIFT, or ZIFT.
Diana Farrell is the author of the trademarked Full Embrace series of books on overcoming infertility that have helped many couples get pregnant. If you would like to know more about IUI pregnancy rates and lots more information about conceiving, visit http://www.PregnancySuccessProgram.com.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diana_Farrell

Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 15 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

IVF Implantation Help With Food
By Diana Farrell Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

In general, doctors agree that once you hit the implantation part of your IVF cycle, there isn't much that you can do to make things go your way. If your embryo is healthy and your womb is ready, you'll get pregnant, but if not, you won't. However, acupuncturists and other natural therapists seem to agree that certain foods actually can help with IVF implantation in different ways. There are different foods that are recommended for help with implantation, but walnuts, pineapples, and yams are some of the most common. While the scientific evidence behind these claims isn't too concrete, there is plenty of evidence from everyday people who have used these foods to increase their chances of getting pregnant through IVF.

Walnuts, Why Not?

Most nuts have high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are helpful in treating infertility in general. In fact, in ancient Greek mythology, the walnut was actually tied to fertility in many ways, and it was used in fertility rites. The healthy fats in walnuts help boost sex hormones, and they can also help regulate the menstrual cycle. Walnuts also have a ton of other vitamins and minerals in them, so they can help boost fertility and your chances of implantation.

While we aren't exactly sure why walnuts help implantation rates, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that they do. Some people think that it's the omega 3 fatty acids and the B vitamins in walnuts that help the egg implant itself in the womb.

Pineapple - A Controversial Helper

Many women and acupuncturists swear by pineapple's ability to help with implantation. For one thing, the bromelain in pineapple, which is a nutrient that it contains in higher concentration than pretty much every other food, is said to be an anti-inflammatory and also to increase cervical mucus. The increase in cervical mucus can make the uterus more "sticky," which can lead to increased rates of implantation. The most bromelain in the pineapple is found near the core, so many acupuncturists and natural therapists recommend eating the whole pineapple including the core.

One thing to note, though, is that there is also some evidence that pineapple juice in high quantities can cause cramps and can even cause spontaneous abortion. There's pretty much no danger of this if you eat just a cup of actual pineapple each day - which will be less concentrated than the juice squeezed out of the pulp. Just be sure that you keep things in balance and don't overdo it.

Yams for Fertility

Here's an interesting fertility fact: the Ibeji tribe in Nigeria eats yams pretty much every day, and they have the highest rate of fraternal twins in the world. Wild yams - not to be confused with North American sweet potatoes, which are sometimes called yams - have chemicals in them similar to estrogen and progesterone. They can help a woman produce more eggs during her cycle, which is one reason the Ibeji tribe has such a high incidence of twins, and they can also help with implantation by boosting a woman's levels of progesterone in her first trimester.

Eating a Balanced Diet

While all of these foods have been shown to help with implantation during IVF, the most important thing that you can do is to eat a healthy, balanced diet on a regular basis. Keeping your body healthy is essential to keeping your uterus and embryo healthy. Eat plenty of brightly-colored fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, and get your three servings of full-fat milk products a day. Plus, you should participate in healthy but low-impact exercises like yoga and qigong, both of which have been shown to boost IVF success rates.

Diana Farrell is the author of the trademarked Full Embrace series of books on overcoming infertility. She holds a Masters Degree in Psychology through the University of San Francisco, as well as advanced training in a number of alternative therapies. Through her own journey overcoming infertility she uncovered a wealth of valuable information that can significantly increase a couple's chances of pregnancy through IVF. She now enjoys sharing that information with others to help them fufill their dream of parenthood. If you would like to know more ways to improve your chances of IVF implantation visit http://www.IVFSuccessProgram.com for further information about that as well as lots of other tips to help you have a successful IVF.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diana_Farrell

Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 11 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

IVF Loans - Save Your Credit Score With Supplemental Insurance
By Kevin Haney Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

If you are considering taking out a loan to pay for your IVF treatments consider using a portion of your financing to purchase supplemental insurance. Not only will you protect your credit score, but you will gain peace of mind and some extra income to enjoy bonding with your baby.

Many couples find themselves in a tough spot: In Vitro Fertilization gives them the best chance of finally having that baby, but their health insurance will not cover the treatments. Many of these couples don't have a large enough nest-egg built up to cover the costs of IVF treatments - so they borrow money and hope to pay it back over time. Some couples can find financing specifically for IVF, while others use credit cards or borrow against the equity in their home.

Dangerous Gamble

Borrowing money to pay for IVF treatments is a dangerous gamble for many couples. The added expense of the IVF treatments is often just the tip of the iceberg. What many fail to consider is that finances can change dramatically when In Vitro Fertilization works: you conceive and deliver a baby.

Getting pregnant and having a baby adds extra expenses for food, clothing, furniture and more. Plus, there is mom's lost income to take into account. At minimum she may be losing six weeks of income for her normal labor and delivery.

What should be a happy time sometimes works out the opposite: mom experiences pregnancy complications, or the baby is born premature and spends weeks in the hospital. Sometimes this translates into months of lost income for mom's disability, and then an extended family leave to care for your infant at home.

When this happens the regular bills start piling up, and then the extra loan payments start to kick in - just when you are taking a big income hit. Your credit score starts to plummet making it more difficult to find additional financing.

Supplemental Insurance Protects Financing

Use some of your loan proceeds to fund the purchase of supplemental insurance before starting IVF. Your benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium you pay helping you offset your IVF costs.

Plus you are also covered in case of pregnancy complications and premature birth giving you the financial freedom to get healthy without worrying about your bills and your credit score.

Find out more about how to leverage supplemental IVF health insurance and other options that keep your pregnancy financially sound.

Kevin Haney is a licensed health insurance agent helping growing families generate maternity leave income, and protection just in case by using supplemental family insurance benefits.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Haney

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 11 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

Tips on How to Get Pregnant - Is IVF Always the Answer?
By Brett R Alexander

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Do you want to get Pregnant? Have you been trying but just haven't been able to succeed?

Of course no one wants to be told that they can't have children and starting an IVF program is quite frustrating and stressful for both of you. So here is some helpful Tips on How to get Pregnant.

You want to do everything to conceive and have a successful pregnancy and often as a couple two things happen you want to know who is at fault or you feel that failure is driving you to seek professional help. I know because I've been there.

My wife and tried for 2 years after we were married and as a last resort we started pursuing IVF as a means to get pregnant. The thing that happened to us, was that we were both busy, (probably just trying to put it off and out of our minds) we couldn't get it together to get to the clinic with the forms and to start our first consultations. We had stopped trying but worse off we had lost an important connection between us. I started researching some alternative methods and to rekindle our relationship we made time to get away and spend some romantic time together. I was over the moon when I found out she was pregnant and totally knocked out when I found out our new born will be baby a boy.

Do you know that I personally believe 90 percent was the fact we stopped trying and the stress to perform from both of us was relieved. That's a fact, so believe me when I say to you that relaxation, diet and some simple lifestyle changes gave us a more than healthy baby boy, who is now 19 months old.

I would love to tell you that there was a big secret but the program I introduced my wife to was simple, it made a lot of sense and more importantly it worked.

You should realize that when you are in a Doctor's office, and he is trying to explain to you that one of you has a problem, there is all sorts of crazy things that your mind is trying to process and this is where you need to have good communication skills especially when it comes to dealing with the next step later.

Make sure you understand that there are a lot of people in the same position and this video is a simple way to understand your situation, then the next step is up to you.

Brett is a researcher and writer on products and information such as Pregnancy Difficulties and IVF You can save time and money by getting a FREE in depth review of some great Alternative Pregnancy Methods and many others, including discounts and best prices at Brett's blog: Tips on How to get Pregnant.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brett_R_Alexander

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 09-2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

IUI Pregnancy Rates
By Diana Farrell Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

If you're thinking about getting IUI on your path to conception, you might be wondering what the IUI pregnancy rates are like. The truth is that these rates can be difficult to pin down because they depend on so many different factors; however, with advances in technology, these rates are higher than they used to be, and many couples have a decent chance of getting pregnant through IUI.

The Overall Rates of Success of IUI

Overall, most studies show that IUI is anywhere from 5% to 30% successful for couples. Couples who try natural IUI, where there is only one egg to fertilize, are on the low end of that scale, as are couples with a low sperm count problem. Couples who use fertility medications like Clomid fall somewhere in the middle to high end of the range, and couples who use injected medications like those used for IVF will normally fall on the high end of that range.

That said, there are also other factors that can go into determining a couple's potential success with IUI. For one thing, the younger the mother is, the more successful the procedure is likely to be, although it has worked with couples in which the female partner is over the age of thirty-five. Also, couples who undergo therapy to improve sperm count and motility often end up having success with a later round of IUI.

Why Multiple Rounds Increase the Odds of Getting Pregnant with IUI

One of the interesting things about IUI is that couples who undergo multiple rounds of the treatment are more likely to get pregnant with each round. One of the main reasons for this is that the doctor and the couple can work together to determine the best time to inseminate. With IUI, as with many other fertility procedures, timing is key. In order to have an egg to fertilize, the sperm really need to be injected right before ovulation. After a few months of working with the same woman, a doctor can tweak medications and dates to optimize the odds of a pregnancy.

Also, some doctors will recommend doing two back-to-back inseminations. You will basically be inseminated on one day and then go in again on the second day. Some studies have shown that this approach yields a higher success rate than a single insemination procedure. However, if you've carefully timed the first insemination, it should be enough to get your egg fertilized.

In general, IUI is most successful for couples who are generally healthy and whose fertility problems involve things like low sperm count and PCOS. However, there are lots of other couples who have had unexpected success with IUI. If you're wondering whether or not IUI would work for you, the best thing to do is to talk to your doctor about your specific fertility problems and needs. You may also want to simply give IUI a shot before moving on to more drastic invasive and expensive procedures, such as IVF, GIFT, or ZIFT.

Diana Farrell is the author of the trademarked Full Embrace series of books on overcoming infertility that have helped many couples get pregnant. If you would like to know more about IUI pregnancy rates and lots more information about conceiving, visit http://www.PregnancySuccessProgram.com.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Diana_Farrell

Friday, August 6, 2010

August 07-2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles-Do I Tell My Child He Was Born Through Artificial Insemination Using Donor Sperm?

By Emma L Hartnell-Baker

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

So you've decided to start a family- found a sperm donor- got the second line on your pregnancy test (for the 4th time -you wanted to be really, really sure!) and are excitedly anticipating life as a family with your child. Wonderful!

But stop....let's take those rosy coloured spectacles off for just a second and take a 'real' look at life following the birth of your child- a child you decided to bring into the world- through sperm donor conception.

Unfortunately - despite the enormous advances that have taken place in the field of assisted reproduction over the past quarter of a century research on the children born as a result of these procedures has lagged far behind. Although a surprisingly high number of children are not actually the biological children of both parents - whether through donor insemination or illicit 'affair' - it is only now, with an increased awareness of the need to consider children's right, and the understanding of how child rearing practices affect their social and emotional development, that we are starting to more intelligently debate this issue. 'It's my decision and they don't need to know' is no longer an adequate response to the question of whether or not children should be told of their true heritage- or of the details of their conception.

The purpose of this article is to start you thinking about the bigger issues. I urge you to make decisions based on what your child needs and wants- even if you don't yet realise it, or want to think about it. This is something to start talking about even if your child hasn't yet been born- or even conceived! Children are children. Adults are adults- we are all human- and all hope to be surrounded by people who treat us with love, kindness, respect and honesty. So, regardless of the intentions you have, and the reasons for your choices, if you start off with a lie you're inviting trouble. And it will always be something you have chosen to keep from your child. (and perhaps relatives and friends as well?)

I'm not going to tell you what to do- parenting is a personal journey - all I am asking is that you consider your child's needs first - and your needs second. I'm an impartial person who is speaking up for your child - that's my job, and mission in life; supporting children and their rights- and giving them a voice, even if they aren't even born. This can be surprisingly easy! - all you need to do is start from day 1 understanding that parenting is ridiculously hard, you are going to mess up A LOT, however your child will love you whatever you do. And if they see you mess up and take ownership- and know that everything you are doing is with a spirit or honesty, love and kindness then they'll respect you a heck of a lot more as well.

If you are single or part of a lesbian couple then it's fairly obvious you had 'a helping hand' from someone- and life becomes relatively easy as people have kind of guessed already how your child came into the world. However it's also really important that you consciously work out how to talk about this- to everyone, not just your child- so that it becomes a positive experience- and something that enhances your child's self-image- rather than makes them feel lost, lonely, defensive and angry.

My main concern- and the reason for this article is that people are often so excited about being parents that the nitty gritty details get overlooked - like couples becoming so excited about the wedding they forget that the real thought should be going into preparing for the marriage. Your decisions every step of the way are- Id hope- based on what you believe is the right decision for you, your partner if you have one, and your child. However this is one of those issues that really needs careful consideration- and a decision made after looking at the research, seeing what children say about not being told, and talking to professional therapists and child psychologists. A quick decision before birth just isn't good enough. A decision like this is huge- it's like not telling a child they are adopted- is it really your decision to make?- or is the truth something we owe our children, however hard it may seem at the time.

When parents make a decision not to tell their child how they were conceived they are deciding for the child that they don't have the right to know or to deal with the truth. They might deliberately choose a sperm donor who looks like the male partner- thinking this will fool everyone- including the child. But you will always know. The donor will always know. You will always be lying to your child. Whoever raises the child will be 'daddy'- that role is the hard part! A sperm donor is simply that- he will never be 'Daddy'. So why are we so afraid to tell the truth? Often it isn't just the child that isn't told openly, in an age appropriate and sensitive manner- and the right time for that child- often no-one else is told either. So a secret is created - with the people who love you. Why is this? Why make a decision to lie to your child- withholding information is lying, whichever way you look at it- a child you are presumably planning to encourage to themselves be honest and kind. The reasons for that are explored within a book I am currently writing- and I'd be interested to hear of your views and personal stories.

This issue isn't about judgement - or blame- this is about being open about this topic- a topic that for centuries has been happening in secrecy. We are now in an era where the child's rights are valued more than ever before- however we still have a long way to go. To be true to ourselves and our children we need to develop the confidence- and emotional resilience- to face the world with compassion, love and honesty.

As you will already realise, even if this is the first time we have 'met', honesty is something I firmly promote in all relationships- honesty that is kind, empathetic and constructive. So if you feel ready to take a risk and embrace this we can start thinking about how to share sensitive information with your child- and others- in a way that brings about a positive outcome. Effective parenting - parenting that most effectively meets your child's individual needs- is often far harder- it asks more of you physically and emotionally. The rewards however are amazing- and can change society.

I believe that parenting should be something everyone should have a right to achieve- if they have the desire to be the best parent they can be, and to raise their child in an environment that will enable that child to develop to his or her full potential, and be happy and emotionally intelligent. At the moment I don't feel as though there is enough info and support out there for parents of children born through sperm donation and this article is my introduction to the topic. I will be bringing you other related articles in the coming months. The way in which we view and talk about this subject is something I would like to be a part of changing- our children deserve it. Be proud of your decision to bring your amazing child into the world, when other options were probably impossible or very limited. If you feel proud, your child will feel proud also. And if proud of this decision you will have no reason not to start talking about it openly - from the beginning. The decision of whether or not to tell you child should then become far clearer. Yes, yes yes!

Emma Hartnell-Baker BEd Hons. MA. Cert Life Coaching
The Child Listener
Creating Fertility Choices for All

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_L_Hartnell-Baker

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 05 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

Overcome Infertility - Types of Artificial Insemination in Conventional Medication
By Kyle J Norton Platinum Quality Author

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Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Conventional medicine plays an important role in treating all kinds of disease and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term when they go to see their family doctor. With the advance of medical technology, conventional medicine has proven record in treating infertility but with some side effects. In this article, we will discuss types of artificial insemination in conventional medication.

If a couple can not get pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sex or carry the fetus to full term, they are considered as infertile couple. Most people under this circumstance, they will seek help from conventional doctor. After lengthy examination and diagnosis, if non surgical problem is found, then the followings are recommended by their specialist depending to what has been diagnosed

I. Definition
Non surgical infertility problem is considered as a problem which can not be treated by medication and surgery such as impotence and sexual dysfunction in men and hyperproclatinemia. The fertility of a couple is assisted by some types of assisting reproductive technologies ( artificial insemination).

II. Types of artificial insemination

1. Intra cervical insemination
Artificial insemination (AI) or intra cervical insemination is the process by which sperm is placed into the reproductive tract of a female for the purpose of impregnating the female by using means other than sexual intercourse.

2. Intrauterine insemination
Intrauterine insemination is defined as the selection of good quality sperm from a infertile male sperm semen by injecting the good quality sperm fluid into the uterus of his female partner, thereby increasing the chance of sperm to reach the Fallopian tubes where fertilization of the egg occurs.

3. Gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (DIFT)
Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) is a technique which places one egg in the Fallopian after removing from the ovaries along with the sperm semen of her male partner.

4. Zygote intrafallopian tube transfer (ZIFT)
It is a procedure which is often used to treat infertility, if diagnosis found that there is blockage in the female partner Fallopian tubes that prevents the sperm to fertilize the mature egg. Under zygote intrafallopian tube transfer (ZIFT), after egg cells are removed from a woman's ovaries, it is put in vitro fertilized and finally the zygote is placed into the fallopian tube by laparoscopy.

5. Tubal embryo transfer (TET)
By transferring the more advance embryos (cleaved embryos) into the female partner Fallopian tubes, it increases the chance of fertility after achieving fertilization in the laboratory. It is only suitable for women who have at least one healthy Fallopian tube.

6. Intrasytoplastic sperm injection (ICSI)
By injecting only one quality sperm into the egg for fertilization. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is commonly used only for male whose sperm are diagnosis with egg penetrating problem as a method of in vitro fertilization.

7. Testicle sperm extraction (TEST)
Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) is most commonly used for male who for what ever reasons, has problem in ejaculating, or whose sperm contain little or no living or motile sperm, but with good sperm in the testicles. By collecting the sperm semen directly from the testicles, the fertilization process can occur in vitro fertilization (IVF) by using the intrasytoplastic sperm injection method.

8. Assisted Hatching
By collecting egg from ovaries from the infertile woman and after the egg is fertilized in vitro fertilization (IVF), the assisted hatching helps the embryo hatch out of its protective layering and artificially implants into the uterus.

9. Cryopreservation
For what ever reason some couple decide to have children in the future, they may want to use the cryoptresevation to freeze the eggs or sperm in the sub-zero temperatures, such as between 77 K or −196 °C. Most comom cryppreservation includes
a) Freezing sperm
b) Freezing embryo
c) Freezing eggs
d) Freezing ovaries

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"Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health and entertainment Article Writer.

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kyle_J_Norton

Monday, August 2, 2010

August 03 -2010 All About Women's Health - Pregnancy Articles

Using Artificial Insemination in Your 40s
By Louisa P Rose Platinum Quality Author

Recommended Reading
Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.

Artificial insemination isn't the happiest subject for many women. Even though the method has been around a long time, the treatments are expensive and enjoy limited success rates. The good news is that there are more interesting alternatives.

There are several options available to you to help you conceive a child but it is important to remember that most of these treatments comes with their own set of complications. The exceptions are the natural and holistic approaches.

Hearing that you may not be able to have a baby is one of the most distressing things for a woman. Having a child is something that most women have dreamed about their whole lives so when this type of news is presented to them, it hurts them deeply.

Some women feel a desperate need to seek some type of immediate treatment that can help them to correct the situation straight away. But often they do not take the time to consider the complications that may arise.

Artificial insemination is usually one of the first types of treatments that women look into. This gives women a chance of carrying their own child, and bypasses the issue that keeps them from having a baby naturally.

It can be a very expensive treatment option, so is something that not everyone can afford. What happens if the treatment isn't successful the first time around? Most of the time it can take up to 6 sessions before people give up.

The process of artificial insemination is not a short one. The woman must be on fertility medication for a certain period of time in order to increase her chances of having a successful insemination.

The fertility drugs can cause a woman to have major mood swings. She may also have to deal with her ovaries becoming enlarged as well as having dry cervical mucus. Some women can complain of stomach aches, and there have been studies which link the use of these treatments to higher cases of cancer.

This treatment has also been notorious for making women pregnant with multiple babies. This is not something that most people plan for.

The complications above are sometimes all too much for a woman to deal with. This is why more and more women are seeking a natural and holistic approach to helping them conceive a child.

Many women do not realize that if they look at all aspects of why they cannot conceive, they will have a better chance of correcting the situation.

By taking a natural and holistic approach to the treatment, women will be able to create a healthy environment for their child to be conceived. This is the best way forward, as a woman will be working to make her body better from the inside out.

So, before you make your decision as to what type of treatment is best for you, you should look into what options you have where natural and holistic treatments are concerned.

You will be healing your body so that it can work to heal itself, making the need for artificial insemination disappear.

Are you searching for the most effective natural alternative to IVF and other forms of artificial insemination? It doesn't matter if you are over 40, thousands of women like you have succeeded in getting pregnant using this simple effective system. Put artificial insemination behind you and take step towards getting the baby you dream about. Simply click on the link to learn more. http://www.TryingToGetPregnant.biz

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Louisa_P_Rose

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Slim & Healthy Pregnancy.
How To Keep Excess Weight Off &
Maintain Good Health During And After Pregnancy.